Opportunities to work with us
There are lots of different ways to work with us and to support Access The Dales. We are always looking for funding ideas. Please contact us if you would like to become a corporate sponsor.

Book a Talk
Our founder Debbie North loves to talk! She is a motivational speaker and she delivers a light hearted talk about the up and down of making the inaccessible accessible. Accessing the Yorkshire Dales is her passion.
If you would like her to come along to your group or place of work, please get in touch with us.

Book a Guided Walk
Jonathan Smith loves maps and though we often tell him to ‘Get lost!’ he never does! Jonathan is a trained mountain leader and delivers first rate navigation courses for beginners and intermediates. He also leads guided walks in the Yorkshire Dales. Contact Jonathan for more details.

Book an Accessibility Assessment
Are you accommodation provider or a farmer, for example, who would like to have an all-terrain wheelchair based at your business? We can provide you with an accessibility assessment of a potential routes located nearby and the facilities at your site.
To arrange an assessment or to find out more please contact us.

Become a Fundraiser
Fancy helping us raise some money? Have a look at our 100 fundraising ideas that everyone can help contribute towards. Every penny raised goes back into providing wheelchair access in the Yorkshire Dales... go on start baking those cakes, and washing those cars, or knitting the scarfs... all for a good cause... Access the Dales.

Donate Your Old Gear
We believe that everyone should have access to the outdoors whatever the weather. Has your son or daughter out grown their wellies or their walking boots? Has mum or dad got this year’s new designer waterproof coat and no longer wears the old one?
If you have outdoor clothing that is no longer used, please donate it to Access the Dales. We will re-distribute the clothing so more people have the right gear to get out into the hills. Contact us at Access the Dales to donate to your gear.